Visitation schedule
It is certainly worth thinking carefully about what a good visitation arrangement might look like, taking into account all the circumstances and interests.
During mediation, we can talk about:
- the days on which the parents are available
- the distance between the two homes and the school, sports clubs etc.
- how can you make sure the schedule matches the schedules of the other children in the two families?
- how should the holidays be divided?
- what about birthdays, and the birthdays of the extended family members?
When the visitation schedule is complete, it can become a part of the parenting plan.
It is advisable to make a plan for each year. You can make different schedules for even years and odd years, in which Christmas for instance is with one parent in the odd years and with the other parents in the even years.
You can agree to make a definite schedule before December 1st every year. You can also agree that changes can be suggested upto one month before the start of each holiday, or the start of each hand over of the children.
If you need to know when the Dutch schools have their school holidays, you can visit this governement website with all the holidays.
Of course the agreement between parents is not only about the dates, but also about the way the children are handed over to the other parent. This is preferably done in a way where the parents can have a normal (short) conversation in the presence of the child. The parents can also make agreements about when and how to exchange information, preferable not via the child or not in the presence of the child.