

After the ending of an international marriage, a parent might make plans to relocate. It is wise to involve the other parent and try to reach an agreement through mediation. If the parents can not reach an agreement on the relocation and the implications on the visitation schedule, the court will have to make a decision.

Scroll down to read more about relocation with children:

  • relevent subjects
  • A-Z explained
  • FAQ
  • relevant websites
  • blogs
  • case law on relocation with children

Do you wonder if need permission to relocate the children?


Migration after separation

Let’s discuss all the practical and emotional implications and the pros and cons.

Visitation arrangement

If the parents do not live closeby, a good visitation arrangement is essential.

Bi-langual upbringin

The opportunity to learn the languages and enjoy the culture of two countries.

So you fear the other parent is planning a relocation?

Read more about relocation

A-Z explained

I would like to explain all the relevant terms to you, both the English terms as the Dutch terms that you might be confronted with. If you miss anything, just let me know.

Frequently asked questions

I have listed the frequantly asked questions about divorce mediation, with the answers. I also refer to other relevant sources within this website or elsewhere.

How can you prepare your children for the relocation?

More information for you to read through

Public sources

The law in the different States of the U.S.

This website ( wil give you legal information about the law in the different States of the U.S. It is a good place to start your enquiry for information about family law in the different states of the U.S.

In some divorce cases there might be more then one court that could deal with the divorce procedure. You could have a preference for one court over the other. In other cases the court in one country or state might need to apply the laws of one othe the states of the U.S. In cases like that, it is important to be […]

Permission to travel

Authorisation form

Download the authorisation form here.

What do I need to travel abroad with our child?

If you are travelling with your child, but without the other custodial parent, you  need to bring this form, signed by the other parent. This way you can proof that you have the other parent’s permission to travel.

Also, you need to bring the documents that are mentioned on the form, such as:

  • Copy/copies of authorising adult’s passport(s) or identity card(s).

The following additional documents may be required, depending on your personal situation:

• A recently issued international extract from the Personal Records Database (BRP) relating
to the minor […]


Case law

12 months suspended imprisonment

District Court of Gelderland

July 1 2022, ECLI:NL:RBGEL:2022:3355

The mother withdrew her three-year-old daughter from the father’s legal custody for 14 months. Now she gets a suspended prison sentence with probation and she must pay damages. 

Unknown address

The mother did not return after a vacation with the minor abroad. She did not let the father know in which country they were staying. She had de-registered in the Netherlands. And in France she had deliberately not registered and had no bank account or car in her name, with the aim that she could not be easily found. As a result, it took a […]

Don’t wait until negotiations are deadlocked.

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