
If both parents have custody rights, they must make decisions about the upbringing of the children together. This involves the care arrangement, but also any decision that needs to be made about school, medical treatment or travelling abroad.  In those cases, mediation offers a quick solution, without escallation of the conflict.

I am happy to help you as a mediator with all types of issues that may arise.

Scroll down to read more about these custody issues:

  • custody issues
  • A-Z explained
  • FAQ
  • relevant websites
  • blogs
  • case law on custody issues

Do you want to consult with your ex about modification of parental authority?


Care arrangement

Does an equal role as a parent require that parental care will be shared 50/50?


School is so much more than just education. It should be a safe and stimulating place.

Medical treatment

Medical decisions sometimes involve religion, one’s own traumas, hopes and feelings of guilt.


The possibilities seem endless, but they are limited by schedules, distances, skills and motivation.

Joint custody

If you want to talk about joint custody, or terminating  the joint custody, this requires a sensitive approach.

Steph parents

Small misunderstandings can have big consequences. The more adults, the more misunderstandings.

Can we decide to share custody or to end it?

Read more about custody

A-Z explained

I would like to explain all the relevant terms to you, both the English terms as the Dutch terms that you might be confronted with. If you miss anything, just let me know.

Frequently asked questions

I have listed the frequantly asked questions on this subject with the answers. I also refer to other relevant sources within this website or elsewhere.

How do I invite my ex to mediation?

More information for you to read through

Public sources


Case law

What is the added value of a mediator?