Father’s sudden relocation allowed by the court
A father relocated with the children without the mother’s consent. The mother requested the court to order him to return […]
A father relocated with the children without the mother’s consent. The mother requested the court to order him to return […]
Despite having sole parental authority, the mother is obliged to relocate back
A mother relocated with her daughter to a place […]
A father relocated with his children to a city 123 km away from their original home, without the mother’s consent […]
Father obligated to continue the care arrangement every other weekend after moving to Dubai
The children have their main residence with […]
After the end of their relationship, the mother decided to move to a new residence with her daughter. […]
Wat zijn goede kinderboeken over echtscheiding?
Wanneer u door een scheiding gaat, is het belangrijk om te communiceren met uw [...]
Of u in Nederland kunt scheiden wordt geregeld door de Brussel II ter verordening. Deze verordening [...]
1 juli 2022, ECLI:NL:RBGEL:2022:3355
De moeder onttrok haar driejarige dochter aan de voogdij van de vader voor 14 [...]
Als een kind door zijn ouder naar een ander land is ontvoerd, kan de andere ouder de rechtbank in [...]
Het Haags Kinderontvoeringsverdrag beoogt de onmiddellijke terugkeer [...]