The term ‘domestic violence’ refers to the relationship between perpetrator and victim. Domestic violence involves physical, sexual and psychological forms of violence.

Various forms of domestic violence

It can include: child abuse, elder abuse, honour-related violence, assault, psychological abuse, threats, destruction and/or stalking.

Related problems

There may be many problems in the background, such as financial problems, or being overburdened by care for children, parents or sick partners.

Psychological problems

Domestic violence may be linked to psychological problems, such as borderline or narcissism. These problems are not always recognised by social workers and are difficult for the victim to prove.


Often multiple interventions are needed to improve the situation. These may include new or temporary accommodation, (financial) support to become independent, a divorce, temporary monopoly on the home, a contact ban, a ban on having contact with the children or, on the contrary, a visitation arrangement.

Veilig thuis

Veilig Thuis‘ is a group of regional organisations that you can contact to report domestic violence and child abuse and where you can get advice. Victims, perpetrators and bystanders can call them for expert help and advice. Veilig Thuis is there for everyone, young and old, who is experiencing domestic violence or child abuse.

Restraining order

The police can help with a cessation interview or warning interview with the perpetrator.A location ban can be imposed by the Public Prosecutor or the judge commissioner in the context of a criminal case. The mayor can impose a restraining order for a period of 10 or 28 days. If all this does not happen, the victim can also ask the court in summary proceedings for a restraining order or location ban.

Please contact me if you wish to discuss the desirability and feasibility of a restraining order.

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