Stalking is a deliberate and structural harassment of a person, as a result of which that person feels his or her freedom and safety have been compromised. This can also be done by telephone or via the internet. Stalking is a crime. Since 2000, the Netherlands has had a special anti-stalking law. Stalking disrupts the victim’s life, sometimes for months or even years.

Stalking can manifest itself in different ways, such as:

  • persistent unwanted letters, e-mails, phone calls, text messages and social media messages;
  • threats of violence;
  • being waited for, spied on or chased;
  • lies or gossip are being spread about you or your family;
  • property is destroyed or damaged;
  • someone is placing orders in your name;
  • children, friends, family or colleagues are harassed.

These are signs that you should take the stalking seriously:

  • If the stalker invests a lot of time, money and/or energy
  • If the stalking gets more serious or frightening
  • If the stalker is an ex-partner
  • If there is still (mandatory) contact, for example with the children
  • If there are still conflicts about children and/or possessions
  • If the stalker physically approaches you or unintentionally enters your housing/school/work
  • If the stalker has used violence before
  • If the stalker has previously destroyed your belongings
  • If the stalker indicates that he’s in need of advice
  • If the stalker has threatened violence, murder or suicide
  • If the stalker has anything to do with guns
  • If the stalker has problems related to substance use
  • If the stalker has recently experienced a major loss that causes a lot of stress
  • If you’re very scared. Listen to your feelings.

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